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Support the Applegate Business Network

Become a supporter of the Business Network by donating $50 or more annually.

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100% of your dollars support Applegate Valley Business Network activities

Cost: $50 or more annually

We’d love for you to join A Greater Applegate to meet with local business owners like you to connect and learn about resources and opportunities. Together, we’ll share and take action as we discover ways we can all support each other in building a stronger Applegate Valley economy.

This growing effort is in response to the Applegate Valley Community Vitality Roadmap which prioritized ways to support and grow local businesses with support from The Ford Family Foundation, Business Oregon and the USDA.

Some ideas we have heard and executed are:

  • Create and launch a “buy local” campaign
  • Explore cooperative marketing ventures like themed events, a local makers’ market
  • Strengthen connection of local Artisans to local events
  • Develop a Destination Management plan
  • Feature a rotating Applegate Businesses booth at local markets
  • Create a business incubator and business support services
  • Identify and establish vertical integration opportunities
  • Create a map of businesses in the Applegate
  • “Welcome to the Applegate” signs at either end of 238

Your support builds a stronger, more connected and more economically sound community.

To learn more about A Greater Applegate:

Visit our website, "like" and follow us on A Greater Applegate on Facebook, or stop by the new office in the Sunshine Plaza in Ruch.