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Donate today to support neighbors helping neighbors

Your donation will go to mitigating costs related to providing individuals in the Applegate Valley with vital assistance during emergencies.

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The Applegate Valley Mutual Aid Network (AVMAN) was born in the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent state mandated shelter-in-place order. A Greater Applegate (AGA) recognized that this emergency put an uneven burden on our community's most vulnerable populations. The AVMAN was developed to help organize relief efforts and match those requiring assistance with those able to offer support.

Since then, the AVMAN has been expanded to help facilitate disaster relief efforts for the wide variety of potential threats to the Applegate Valley. Including, but not limited to, wildfire/hazardous smoke, earthquake, flood, severe storm and more. Donations to the AVMAN relief fund will go to alleviating financial barriers to individuals able to offer support to others.